Link: Put Those Shoes On: Running Won't Kill Your Knees
Yet another study supporting the benefits of running to joint health. I can say from personal experience that my knees and ankles hurt for years when I was NOT running. My joints would swell and ache frequently through my 20's and 30's, resulting in diagnosis from arthritis to gout. I resumed running almost three years ago and have had almost no problems since! I'm a living, breathing testimonial to the positive health benefits of running. And NO, I'm not on any pharmaceutical company's payroll...
Oh come on! My knees are my excuse for not running. Don't take that from me.
Next thing I know you'll be recommending super supportive running bras that actually make running comfortable. Sheesh.
Yeah, but the shady dude on the corner who works in "pharmaceutical sales" is on your payroll...
I know little about running bras, but I know the ladies at Potomac River Running will provide excellent advice!
CJ: "Pharmaceutical sales": nice!
I call bullocks. Running decimated my ankles & knees, then my hips started aching.
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