I'm going to take a break from interval running for a month or so, maybe longer. I think I pushed it too hard the previous few months and I'm paying for it with tired legs. For the time being, I'm going to run 1 hour a day at a moderate pace (6:45-7:15 per mile), with a weekly long run and a tempo run. I've got a lot of road races coming up this summer, and being fried from running intervals too hard is not conducive to a good season.
So, this morning I did just that: 1 hour at a moderate pace. Riveting to write, riveting to read.
I was on-call over the weekend and only got one call, but that one call came at the 2 mile point of my run Sunday. Yes, I have to carry a phone when I'm on-call. I ran back home, changed, drove to work and spent the next few hours fixing a problem. No, I didn't go back to finish my run. I don't enjoy it THAT much!
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