I'm back, baby!

I have returned
9 hundred years I have waited
I have returned
the time is now to rise anew.

It's been a while since I last rapped at you. Almost 3 years, to be precise. Am I still running? Yes I am, thanks for asking! I promised I was going to stick with it, and I have.

My training has evolved into this: Interval workout on Tuesday, tempo run on Friday, and a long run (~13-15 miles) on the weekend. The other days are just 'easy' runs of 6-10 miles, depending on how much time I have. Total of approximately 65 miles a week. Virtually all running is completed by 6:30AM. THAT is the hard part, amigos.

In my initial posts from 2008 I wrote that I intended to break 34 minutes for 10K. That hasn't happened. My revised goal for the Cascades Firechase 10K 2011 (Memorial Day weekend) is to break 35 minutes and earn a top 3 overall finish.

Another update: I used to suffer a lot from Morton's neuroma. I fixed that by simply loosening my shoes in the forefoot. Voila.

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